I was in my pajamas and ready to curl up with some knitting (I'm such a novice, but I'm starting easy, with
this baby sweater pattern) when we had some unexpected, and totally welcome guests. A lot of great music ensued. Also: baked beans, making plans to visit Canada, and a healthy amount of red wine. My friend K has a beautiful voice, and I got really into her rendition of Red Clay Halo (a
Gillian Welch tune).
Tonight: R's band is playing at a local oyster shack.
Tomorrow: A tomato feastival (involving a cake walk, tomato tasting, tomato contest, potluck, and a giant amount of paella) and then more music at an irish bar.
Today: I'm off to the park for a walk, and then home again to make a cake....perhaps
this one?
wowie! sounds like an amazing evening! wish that would happen to me! also, i loooove that song (red halo). every time i listen to gillian welch and that song comes on, i pretty much put it on repeat because i keep going back to it. :)