
scenes from a florida winter at the farm


kaleards and pac choi

ginger (which we dig and replant at the same time)

arugula, red lettuce, a lone japanese turnip

So far our winter has been quite mild and very wet. A lot of things have been loving the moderate temps (ahem, bugs, I'm looking at you).



My favorite time of the year.



My dad is the best trash-picker you'll ever meet. I'm such a lucky girl! I love coming home to find a bag of treasures he's left for me to go through. My favorite is the "old lady trash." I have really good dreams about this kind of thing...


found tile

Pretty little tiles I dug out of our dusty storage room


i spent my holiday...

...drinking dubonnet in honor of my great grandpa
...loving this painting
...sitting on this lovely sofa
...sticking my feet in the very cold pool
...taking self portraits in the bathroom
...setting the table with the good glasses
...admiring all my uncles' nice things