I am thankful for so very many things. I'll just make a quick list to remind myself, while I wait for my family to pick me up and whisk me away to central florida this morning:
my health. Jackie & Ruben. the beautiful and delicious food i'm surrounded by, and being able to afford to buy it from local farmers. our chickens. the love and support of my family, especially my parents. my nephew. my brother. deep roots. the wisdom and generosity of my granny. my eyesight (as poor as it is, I'm so happy to be able to see). great music. my jobs. getting to spend time with my dad. silver linings. knowing how to make great pie crust. having a whole room for my sewing and art supplies. freedom. my home.
This list is not complete, but i'll leave it at that because my family is here to get me. I've gotta grab my pear pie and get myself in the car...Adorable nephew, here I come!